Dogs pant because that is how they regulate their body temperatures. This is why they often pant after a good run or when they are playing roughly with other dogs. But if your dog is not engaging in any strenuous exercise or if the weather is cold and he is panting, then something is ...
. You’re going to want to know what caused your dog to have a seizure in the first place and what to do about it, so the first thing you’ll need to do isget in touch with your vet. The next step is to learn a bit more about seizures, which is what has brought you here....
There is no relationship barometer. The only two people who can measure how strong a relationship is are the people in it — and we all know that sometimes you can't trust your own judgment. It's a common but very silly trap to assume that just…
An early sign can be as simple as your dog not turning to look at you when you call them over. What should you do? Immediately move your dog to a cooler area, either indoors where there is air conditioning, my dog and I hung out on the kitchen floor, or you can take your dog un...
But you need to get a diagnosis to determine if your symptoms are a result of low testosterone. Should You Be Worried? While it is not easy to know how many men have a testosterone deficiency, research 2 shows 40% of men aged 45 and older have low-T levels. The American Urological As...
If Your Dog Acts Worried Towards a Part Of Your Body, Go Get It Checked Dogs are very smart animals even though they aren’t able to speak our language. If you notice that your dog is paying more attention to a certain part of your body than another, it might be a good idea to se...
Should you be worried? Could this be a sign of something more serious, like heatstroke? Let’s look at everything you need to know about heatstroke in dogs and what to do if your dog is suffering from signs of heatstroke. Key Takeaways ...
Scroll down to find your birth year. This will tell you which “type” of Chinese Dog you are and help you to learn more about how the combined energies of the fixed and secondary element impact your life. Metal Dog Feb. 10, 1910-Jan. 21, 1911 ...
Are you concerned your loved one is using drugs? Here are some symptoms to look out for as well a list of popular slang and street terms for drugs.
1. You’re Being Micromanaged You know how to do your work, so why all of a sudden, every move you make is being constantly watched over your shoulder? This can mean two things. Either your manager doesn't trust you anymore and thinks you’re unable to perform your tasks well, or ...