What Should You Do If You Suspect You Might Have Breast Cancer? If you notice any of the warning signs of breast cancer, taking prompt and informed action is crucial. Early intervention can make a significant difference in treatment outcomes and overall prognosis. Here’s what you sho...
"Themost common sign of breast cancer is a lump, deep in the breast. It often feels hard, like a lemon seed, and usually immovable. It can be any shape or size," said the site. You might also see a bump, according to the site, on the surface of your breast. Kerger said that d...
Swelling, or breast edema, might also occur as a side effect of breast cancer treatment.4If you have recently undergone treatment for breast cancer and notice swelling, ask your care team if swelling might be a side effect of treatment. Changes in the Breast's Skin Changes in the skin of ...
Look out for skin changes in one or both breasts. These might include swelling, redness, darkening, dimpling or other visible differences. Take note of any prominent veins on the surface of the breast. Nipple discharge If you have sudden nipple discharge other than breast milk, consult a me...
Being a woman puts you at risk of getting breast cancer. There are certain factors that increase the risk of breast cancer. Some of them have been listed below: The risk increases with age; most cases of breast cancer develop after the age of 50 Genetic alterations in certain gen...
And Hudis emphasized that while recognizing the different potential signs of breast cancer is important, having one or more of these symptoms does not automatically mean you have cancer. But a doctor visit to determine the cause is still necessary. ...
Hello, I'm Dr. David Brownstein. Today, I'm going to show you five warning signs that you're likely to get cancer, and also how topreventit! And what I have to say will be of equal value to those who already have been diagnosed with cancer, are undergoing treatment, or are in re...
For example, you might inherit a gene from your parents that makes you more likely to develop a certain type of cancer when you’re exposed to tobacco smoke. Metastasis: When Cancer Spreads Cancer can spread from the area it started to other places in your body. This is known as ...
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE VIEW Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Tests and Treatment Why Is Prostate Cancer Screening Important? Although currently controversial, most urologists would recommend regular screening for prostate cancer using PSA and DRE in men who are likely to live more than 10 years (for example, ...
You see, in order to significantly lower your risk of getting cancer, it is important to have your immune system function at optimal levels. That's what I'm going to show you today. And don't worry about taking notes because, just ahead, I'll show you a special offer to get aFREE...