You know, you'd have to be seriously worried if you were Mel's wife in film. Black men in 1970s action flicks have a more tenacious grip on life. At least they generally cark it at the end of the film, gallantly laying down their lives when victory is at hand so the goody-goody...
I was there the day you hit that 507-footer over the left field wall, set the record. Man, that thing had a motor on it. It's still the record right? Merrill: Got the bat at home on the wall. SFC Cunningham: You've got two minor league home-run records, don't ya? Merrill:...
Kind peopleare righteous but they are not self-righteous. They don’t hold things over your head and make you feel bad about yourself. If anything, they do everything they can to lift you up, support you, and make sure you are loved and accepted no matter what. 12) They Help Others ...
Draw it.Drawing engages the right hemisphere of your brain and engages a more subconscious, creative, and emotion-centered form of wisdom. Draw the experience (and don’t think too much about it!). You may choose to create a scene-by-scene image, or one single image that summarizes the ...
Q: How do you know if your Soul is gone? A:Again, the Soul never ‘goes’ away, it just becomes hard to reach, hard to reconnect with. Common signs that you’ve experienced Soul Loss include anxiety, depression, emotional numbness, loneliness, emptiness, chronic fatigue, feelings of hopel...
That’s when my partner stepped in to ask me, “Is this it? Is this all you want from your career?” Her words hit me like a splash of cold water, but she was right—I had stopped pushing myself, stopped striving for more, and had become content with mediocrity. ...
Cutting is the most common form of self-injury — more than 80% of people who self-harm choose this method — but it’s not the only one. You or someone you love may also bang or hit your head, scratch yourself, pick scabs or interfere with wound healing, infect yourself, embed obje...
That may be the thought going through you head, when asking yourself, why is it so hard to initiate physical contact? Call it old fashion but if you are having trouble get a hug and even bump shoulders with him, it's not because he doesn't want to be touched. The more likely reason...
We’ve talked about the friend zone on Girls Chase before: why it’s bad, what it looks like, and how to get out of it. But you’ve asked for more. You’ve asked for clear signs you can look for that are undeniable proof you’ve careened off the Road to
Hit your head? Look for these warning signs of concussion(HealthDay)—If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion, a medical evaluation is crucial, an expert says. A concussion is "a short-lived functional brain injury typically caused by a bump or blow to the head," Cleveland ...