if you have not been vaccinated against meningitis, mumps, measles or rubella—or you are not sure—it is important you contact your GP and arrange to receive the vaccines.
You have persistent headaches Research shows that one in twenty adults suffers from a headache on a daily basis. But this does not mean that it is a common ailment and should not be treated. Headaches are a symptom of ailments that can be as minor as an eye strain or dehydration and can...
You have seizures Frequent seizures are also an indication that you should see a neurologist as soon as you can. Seizures can be a sign of epilepsy. It could also be a symptom of another condition such as meningitis or abrain tumor. So it is advisable to see a neurologist to help identi...
You may have heard ofseizure alert dogs; an elite form of service dog that is able to detect an oncoming seizure and alert their owner. While a dog cannot be trained to detect a seizure, they can be trained to act on that awareness. However, not all dogs have this ability. ...
Signs & Symptoms of Meningitis in Infants Meningitis can have varied manifestations depending on the age group: Babies can have the following symptoms due to meningitis. However, these symptoms in babies are not specific to meningitis and can be present due to other systemic infections. ...
have a compromised immune system due to age, medical condition, or medications. are pregnant or have a newborn baby. It’s likely not necessary for you to see a practitioner or get tested for listeria if you don’t show symptoms and/or you are not in an at-risk group. That said, ta...
If you or your child suddenly feel a fiery, stabbing pain in the throat that makes swallowing difficult and unpleasant, you may have a case of strep throat. Getty Images This respiratory illness is more prevalent in children than adults, but it can affect anyone at any age. While it’s ...
Neurosyphilisaffects thecentral nervous system. While some people will not have any symptoms of neurosyphilis, others may develop serious issues such as:8 General paresis: Also known as paralytic dementia Meningitis: Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord ...
If you have an infant, offer the breast or bottle more frequently. Encourage your toddler or older child to sip on water throughout the day. Here's what NOT to do: If your child is 3 years or younger, do NOT give your child over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications such ...
A spreading untreated infection from a dental abscess can cause pain around the eyes, ear pain, nose pain, and swelling in the eyes or face.Severe dental infections can spread to other parts of the body,causing potentially serious medical conditions such asbacterial meningitisandinfective endocarditi...