Attractive individuals are usually very intimidating, and it’s almost impossible to stop yourself from getting flustered when you’re around someone you like or find attractive. If you notice others consistently acting s...
It can be a sign that you are attractive and they enjoy looking at you. If you’re not sure why you are getting the extra attention, you might feel self-conscious about it. But hey, it doesn’t matter. If they notice you and actually look at you, that means you’re not an eyesor...
If he’s cracking jokes or acting funnier than usual, it’s a good sign he’s getting his flirt on. And the more a man can make you laugh, the more attractive you’ll find him, sincelaughing releases dopamine. And guess what? Men are also attracted to others who laugh with them. ...
Being clean, smelling pleasant, and wearing clothes that look sharpare signs you’re an alpha male. Because if you can keep clean and take care of yourself, you can probably take care of a girl, right? If you don’t look presentable, you don’t look alpha. And youwon’t feel alphae...
If you are an introvert, you thrive in the inner sanctuary of the mind, heart, and spirit, but shrink in the external world of noise, drama and chaos ...
As an ENTJ, you see life very much in terms of cause-and-effect. You also are deeply intuitive and notice the ripple-effects of actions usually before they’re even taken. It confounds you when you see people state that they want something or need something, and then their life choices...
Hormones are responsible for this one, too. A surge of LH and estrogen right around the time you ovulate can cause you to retain fluid and feel bloated. You may also have slowed digestion and more gas, thanks to progesterone. All this ballooning of your tummy usually only lasts a few...
When they are into their lover, many men enjoy talking to their loverafter sex. Topics can get very deep and personal and build the connection you have. Opening up and expressing fears, feelings, and vulnerability is a sign that enjoys the deep connection that he feels with you. ...
can size up a person or a situation quickly and quite accurately. While gentle and considerate overall, you do have a dominant or "rule the roost" side, and you can be pretty stubborn. You are also very patient and strategic when needed, but you have little patience for close-minded ...
Those who fall in love quickly are quick to open up: They feel attraction and connection and they start telling everything about themselves and intensifying the connection. You, on the other hand, may find someone pleasant, attractive and interesting: ...