What are Signs You Are Financially Stable? There is not one single trait that makes you financially secure. As anyone who is interested in personal finance knows, it’s the whole picture that determines whether or not you’re in good financial shape. We all have different journeys, so every...
There's nothing wrong with incurring a debt when running a business. It's part of what you're willing to get to receive sufficient funds for the company to move forward. However, if the debt ratio is too high, it's a problem. Even if your business is doing well, the amount will mo...
This is a non-financial benefit that people who are financially stable have as a result of their strong financial position. This isn’t to say that you don’t have any money worries at all, but rather that they are not significant and never without some sort of reasonable solution. 3. ...
However, there’s a fine line between being financially prudent and excessively frugal. When taken to extremes, penny-pinching behaviors can hinder your journey toward joining the upper echelons of society. This article explores five telltale signs that your frugal habits might hold you back from ...
Are you always pulling out your wallet when you are with your guy? Understand that sometimes the guy in the relationship might not be doing as well financially and won’t be able to pay. That is understandable. However, if he relies on you to pay for every single thing and has the exp...
1. You try too hard to please your partner Do you wonder what does emotional abuse look like? It’s when you are constantly extra cautious about not doing or saying anything that might trigger a negative response in your partner. Being a victim of emotional abuse simply means walking on eg...
You're constantly breaking up and making up Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock Couples who are in a vicious cycle filled with heart-wrenching breakups and steamy make-ups might think that they are doing just fine because they get hit with massive dopamine rushes every time they decide to reconcile. There...
and they are ever evolving. You have a natural fixation on abstractions and concepts. You can aggressively go after your ideas, doing everything to make them a reality. As rumored INTJ Nikola Tesla once said, “The development of man has as its ultimate purpose in the complete mastery of ...
Being ready to retire means more than being ready to stop waking up at 6:00 a.m. to put in long hours at a job you're not thrilled about. If it were that simple, most of us would retire at 25. What it really takes to retire is a solid grasp of your budget, a carefully consi...
that could be a business acquaintance such as a banker or lawyer. Although the signs may be more subtle if you are viewing them from an outside perspective, there are steps you can take to avoid them happening altogether and in some cases, help protect those who cannot financially protect ...