Yes, these are all part and parcel of the "alcoholic personality." It's not how often you drink, or even how much you drink, but how alcohol affects you (changing your personality) that is the true test. Take note of what you become when you drink—happy, amorous, maudlin, homicidal....
When you notice you are struggling with alcohol, seeking medical advice can help you avoid developing an addiction. How Addictive Is Alcohol? Alcohol can be highly addictive, especially when consumed in large amounts within a short period. Alcohol addiction develops in several stages. The process ...
“It’s pretty clear when someone’s life becomes unmanageable or when there are consequences that are occurring from use.” — Karen Rainer, interventionist with The Circle of Care ConsultantsQuiz: Am I an Alcoholic? Determine if you are an alcoholic or how much alcohol is affecting your ...
You must first have access to alcohol before becoming dependent on the substance. A strong family history of alcoholism is a warning you are at increased risk of becoming dependent on alcohol. Increased awareness of such a risk factor may help modify your attitude toward alcohol consumption. A ...
You’re screaming so dramatically whenever you miss a point, you could win an Academy Award for your performance (and you’re setting off your neighbor’s dogs). And what the heck are your teammates doing during Ultimate Trivia Showdown? If you are yelling “It’s District 12, y’all, ...
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be challenging, but there are many resources available to help you get through them. Learn about alcohol withdrawal here.
Yup, you heard that correctly. You can actually take a bath in a tub filled to the brim with ramen noodles. The Japanese are known for their innovations, but who would’ve thought that this would be one of them? Ramen Bath, Anyone? Anyone walking past this establishment...
It is possible for an alcoholic to quit drinking “cold turkey,” but very few people are able to withstand the level of physical discomfort long enough to make this an effective method. Probably most effective method of dealing with alcohol withdrawal is to admit yourself into an inpatientalcoh...
We know the virus can spread through close contact with those who have the infection, from exposure to small-, medium-, or large-sized droplets of the coronavirus that are expelled into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, shouts, or even sings, and you inhale their exp...
in an alcohol rehab that provides dual diagnosis and collaborates with opioid rehab centers and sedatives addiction recovery programs. If you live in the Los Angeles area, Restore Health & Wellness can assist you in locating drug rehab centers in Los Angeles that are appropriate for your ...