“It’s pretty clear when someone’s life becomes unmanageable or when there are consequences that are occurring from use.” Quiz: Am I an Alcoholic? Determine if you are an alcoholic or how much alcohol is affecting your life by taking the 11-question quiz.Take the Quiz ...
Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched,...
People are awake but thoroughly confused. This is accompanied by agitation, delusions (beliefs that have no basis in reality), sweating, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, and high blood pressure. Even with appropriate medical treatment, this condition is associated with a 5% death rate. Alcoholic ...
In many cases, if you find yourself wondering if your drinking is a problem, it is. If you are worried about a loved one, you may recognize the consequences of their drinking behaviors before they do. An important differentiation to make would be that of alcohol abuse from alcohol dependence...
Talk to someone you trust: Having someone to talk to can help you feel supported and understood. Seek professional help: If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, it is important to seek professional help.It is important to remember that you are not alone in this. Many people have ...
Here are six signs that you’re in danger of being the toxic guest at this year’s festivities, and what you might do to reel in that behavior. You might also want to take the Toxic Person Test to check yourself before you wreck yourself! 1. You’re a Verbal Snowstorm If you’re...
In contrast, if you are physically dependent on alcohol, you may feel like it is a central part of your life and that you are unable to function or survive without it, but those feelings do not mean your condition classifies as an AUD. The National Institute on Drug Abuse further explains...
If someone you know is struggling with a alcohol addiction it is best to approach them in a compassionate, non-judgmental fashion. If possible, talk with them at a time when they are sober and not experiencing the effects of a hangover. Talk with them about a list of resources that could...
the "alcoholic personality." It's not how often you drink, or even how much you drink, but how alcohol affects you (changing your personality) that is the true test. Take note of what you become when you drink—happy, amorous, maudlin, homicidal. Are you like this when you don't ...
If you believe any Law and Order or Criminal Minds episode, you would think millions of serial killers are wandering around every day. But just because ...