This is accompanied by agitation, delusions (beliefs that have no basis in reality), sweating, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, and high blood pressure. Even with appropriate medical treatment, this condition is associated with a 5% death rate. Alcoholic ketoacidosis (AKA) is another alcohol ...
Related Topic:Am I an Alcoholic? What to Ask Alcohol Abuse Statistics Scientists and researchers have been trackingstatistics about alcohol consumptionand rates of alcohol-related deaths for decades. This research effort is so substantial that the U.S. government created the National Institute on Alco...
Research suggests genetics and family history create a predisposition to the disease. There are also factors that increase vulnerably such as the existence of an alcoholic parent, childhood conduct disorder, anti-social behavior, or a transforming life event. ...
Mark turned to alcohol to cope with hisgrief. Over time, he became analcoholic. When he finally got sober, he still struggled with emotional baggage—anger, resentment, and self-pity that had never been processed.
Yes, these are all part and parcel of the "alcoholic personality." It's not how often you drink, or even how much you drink, but how alcohol affects you (changing your personality) that is the true test. Take note of what you become when you drink—happy, amorous, maudlin, homicidal...
8 Signs Your Loved One Is Doing Drugs Once you’ve familiarized yourself with drug slang names, keep an eye out for other signs of drug addiction. Pay attention to your loved one’s behavior and how they interact with others. Here are some additional signs that drug use might be taking ...
Now that you are know the six most common signs of alcohol addiction, we hope that you can you perform a self-evaluation and determine whether or not you need professional alcohol addiction treatment. If you’re unable to perform a self-evaluation, talk to someone (a family member, a frien...
“It’s pretty clear when someone’s life becomes unmanageable or when there are consequences that are occurring from use.” — Karen Rainer, interventionist with The Circle of Care ConsultantsQuiz: Am I an Alcoholic? Determine if you are an alcoholic or how much alcohol is affecting your ...
It is essential to be vigilant during social occasions. Keep an eye on your dog to ensure that wine glasses are out of reach and serve beverages in areas your dog cannot access. Educating your guests about your dog’s habits and the importance of keeping alcoholic drinks off limits can also...
No, not whether that eggnog is really non-alcoholic, but if you’re the toxic one at the holiday table. Could your passive-aggressive comments be dropping everyone’s mood faster than Uncle Bob’s political rants? Is your eye-rolling more frequent than your cousin’s Google searches for ...