This causes shortness of breath and low oxygen levels because the pulmonary arteries deliver blood into the lungs to distribute oxygen throughout the body, which cannot occur properly when the arteries are clogged. Pulmonary hypertension This potentially fatal illness affects the pulmonary arteries and...
Arteriosclerosis is the general name for a group of conditions that cause arteries to become thick and stiff.Healthy arteriesare stretchy and flexible, and they carry oxygen and nutrients via blood to and from your heart and lungs. When they stiffen, blood flow gets interrupted, causingcirculation...
calcium, and other fats accumulate in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. It is the most common type of heart disease. This material hardens forming a plaque that blocks blood flow to the heart. When a coronary artery narrows due to plaque buildup or some other cause...
High triglycerides contribute to what’s known as arteriosclerosis (or the hardening and thickening of the arteries and artery walls). Arteriosclerosis puts you at an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and cardiovascular disease. The most consistent finding in omega-3 research is that taking ...
Atherosclerosisis the disease that is a result of progressive narrowing and hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis arises as a result of plaques building up on the inner lining of the artery wall. These plaques are also known asatheromasoratheromatous/atheroscleroticplaques. ...
Cardiovascular diseasein women is mainly caused due to a condition called atherosclerosis, which refers to the condition when the arteries get clogged or hardened. This is a result of cholesterol building up from within and fatty deposits accumulating in the inside arterial walls. This stops the fl...
your body respond to a perceived threat (yep, the stress). When this happens, your blood pressure jumps. This isn’t too harmful when it happens during rare, shorter periods. But when you experience chronic high blood pressure in response to stress, this can damage your arteries and heart....