One of the signs he misses you or has missed you a lot is when his lips automatically stretch into a smile when he sees you. He can’t help but smile profusely at your sight. You don’t even have to ask him how he feels. You make him happy and his face says it all. Even if ...
I’ve got to give it to her, though. She’s candid enough to admit that she misses you (and then some.) 2) She’s more than happy to see you, even if it’s just for a short time Now I’m sure this has happened to you, one way or another. You missed someone (or something...
It could mean he still cares about you and misses you, and he feels guilty for ending the relationship too quickly or on such a bad note. On the other hand, it could also mean he feels he owes you something or wants you back. 16. He tries to get your attention. Another sign he r...
If someone's making eyes at you, it meanshe's interested in you in some way. If you see a longer pattern of eye contact, there's a chance he fancies you. You might try catching him looking at you. It's natural for someone to look in the direction of his crush, especially when h...
Maya Angelou once wrote, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Your significant other may not use the specific words "still hung up on" but instead may say things like he or she "misses" or "often thinks about" an ex or a relationship. ...
a year and a half to my marriage with this beautiful human being… still i feel addicted and depressed at times. i talk to that jerk, he still tells me same stuff.. he misses me.. he has my stuff.. it doesn’t feel the same with that female, he wishes to be with me… its a...
As young men, understanding women, even someone you have been with for years (your sister or female friends) can get tricky. And here you have to figure out whether the girl you like reciprocates your feelings. That’s a toughie!
Saying that she won’t be angry if you sleep with other women, is usually just an attempt to create a new dynamic in your relationship that will make her feel less guilty when she eventually says,“Don’t get angry, but I have to tell you something…I’ve met someone else.” ...
If you’re sharing your life with someone, it’s critical that you have a say in the decisions that will affect you. Your partner’s opinions and feelings will always be important, and so are yours. Your voice is an important one. A loving partner in the context of a healthy relationsh...
Your wall has more applications that your friends are playing than real communications with those you like. You go on Facebook mostly to do applications You regularly choose to chat rather than to pick up the phone and actually talk with someone (or, gulp, actually visit them!) ...