If you’re having a crisis If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, first and foremost, know that you’re not alone. Help is available, and seeking it is both brave and commendable. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you trust who will keep you safe as you navigate your...
A factor analysis of signs and symptoms of the manic episode with Bech-Rafaelsen Mania and Melancholia Scales. J Affect Disord. 2001;64(2-3):267-270.Rossi, A., Daleluzzo, E., Arduini, L., Di Domenico, M., Pollice, R. and Petruzzi, C. (2001). A factor analysis of signs and ...
" or elated, irritable, and energized, during a manic phase. A depressive phase causes you to feel "down," or sad, indifferent, and hopeless. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania. You may feel very good and keep up with day-to-day life during a hypomanic episode.1...
" or elated, irritable, and energized, during a manic phase. A depressive phase causes you to feel "down," or sad, indifferent, and hopeless. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania. You may feel very good and keep up with day-to-day life during a hypomanic episode.1...
About 141 million individuals use cannabis on a global scale. Stimulants like ecstasy and amphetamine are also very popular, with approximately 30 million people abusing them. Cocaine is used by approximately 13 million people worldwide, with the US having the greatest number of users. Heroin and...
You might be curious to know whether the spiritual emergency is actually just a fancy name for a psychotic break, manic-depressive episode, or other severe mental illness. This is a tough question to answer as there’snoblack or white “yes” or “no.” ...
While having one or many of the top 10 signs of schizophrenia might be alarming, it is important to know these signs can have many causes other than schizophrenia. If your symptoms are due to schizophrenia, effective treatments are available to help you. ...
Manic episodes can lead to a complete loss of touch with reality. Men are also more likely to have severe aggression during a manic episode. Common bipolar symptoms in men regarding mania episodes: Expressing intense happiness Talking very fast Having racing thoughts Having a short temper Being ...
the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), also known as DSM-5. With bipolar I specifically, a person does not actually have to have experienced a period of depression to be diagnosed; one manic episode, however, is enough for a bipolar I ...
play video games, a very small subset exhibits disordered, out-of-control behaviors wherein gaming vastly impacts functioning and interferes with important aspects of living. Video game addiction — also known as “gaming disorder” and “internet gaming disorder” — is rare, but it does happen...