Excessive clutter is a key sign of hoarding. When there’s so much stuff taking up space in a room, it cannot be used for its intended purpose. If you suspect someone you know is a hoarder, pay attention to the items they are keeping in their home. It’s one thing to be a ...
Hoarding OCDis now actually recognized as its own diagnosis in the DSM-5. When someone hoards, they collect items that typically don’t have much value. Magazines, notes, clothing, games, containers — a hoarder may keep so many of these items, their home becomes virtually unlivable as it...
or repurpose it. Gift bags, empty containers, old makeup. My family went through some really hard times, and I guess my brain tries to prepare in case it happens again. I have to go through my things and force myself to throw the junk away sometimes so I don't become a hoarder."...