This is another way to check if you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp by someone. Try creating a new group and add the contact you suspect has blocked you. If you try to add them and get an error message, it could be a sign you’ve been blocked. However, keep in mind that WhatsApp h...
Stalking is the act of following and harassing someone. Social communities are also places where people stalk each other. If you have blocked your ex on certain social accounts, but they still managed to reach you, then it’s considered stalking. For example, a friend request from your ex ...
and thus social media shunning is not a foolproof way to gauge your friendship with someone. However, excluding you repeatedly from their socializing plans and ignoring you on social media whilst they’re active on it are reliable signs your friend doesn’t really care about you. ...
If you know deep down you are self-sabotaging in your relationships, now is the time to stop self-sabotaging behavior and to find out what to do when someone is sabotaging the relationship. This will allow you to reclaim the relationship happiness that you deserve. Check out the “self-sabo...
“Is he cheating on me?” The question hits your chest like a lead weight. You love him and you really thought he loved you! Why would he suddenly start cheating on you? Is he really seeing someone else?Does he even like youanymore? You feel like you have to know or your brain wil...
t violate the CFAA because they simply sent messages through WhatsApp like any other user, even if the messages contained spyware, and any information they obtained came from target users’ phones, not WhatsApp’s servers. They argued the CFAA only applies when someone obtains information from ...