The characteristic symptoms ofasthma—wheezing, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath—are caused by the sudden tightening of thebronchi(airways) and the production of too much mucus in the lungs. Besides these symptoms, asthma can cause significant changes in the lungs over the short ...
melancholy or unhealthy lifestyle habits. They may struggle to recover and regroup from setbacks. Without enough to do, or without a clear sense of purpose or direction, Pisces can drift loose from their cord, becoming detached and living too much in their own imaginary world. ...
An association of higher extracardiac manifestations, particularly cerebral emboli, was observed in those with skin manifestation [6]. Osler’s nodes (seen more commonly in subacute IE) are associated with the bicuspid aortic valve. In addition, extracerebral emboli, particularly in the lungs and ...
and avoiding unhealthy fats and processed foods high in carbohydrates, can help reduce inflammation. You might also lose weight, which can ease stress on your joints. If you have RA, you're at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Moving toward a heart-healthy diet can reduce your chances of...
unhealthy fats and processed foods high in carbohydrates, can help reduce inflammation. You might also lose weight, which can ease stress on your joints. If you have RA, you're at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Moving toward a heart-healthy diet can reduce your chances of heart ...
The extent to which long-term side effects become more severe depends on the frequency and amount of cocaine used for an extended period of time. Over time, cocaine abuse can affect the brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system. Continued abuse of cocaine can also lead to har...
Depending on when you realize that you're pregnant and start seeing your healthcare provider, the prenatal care you receive with a cryptic pregnancy may be affected. It’s also possible that you might continue unhealthy habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, and not adjust your lifestyle...
and a history of renal failure in the family put many at risk of developing kidney problems. Just because one doesn’t belong to any of these categories should not mean that he can employ unhealthy habits. All the body’s organs should not be taken for granted and should be given the pr...
They should avoid stressful situations and refrain from unhealthy lifestyles. Physical activity supports health and helps reduce stress. Virgo really could do with weekly hiking trails. The fresh air should do their lungs a service and their lungs need care (being ruled by Mercury that also rules...
A Peter Pan Syndrome man has a complicated and unhealthy relationship with money. Maybe he’s just been taken care of his whole life and has never really had to account for serious financial responsibility. Maybe it’s that whole thing where he has to get what he wants at any cost. Regar...