Lumbar spinal stenosis(in the lower back) may cause gait problems due to foot drop. The condition may also cause weakness in thigh and leg muscles, such as the quadriceps and the calves. Cervical spinal stenosis(in the neck) with spinal cord compression may cause difficulty in maintaining bala...
This helps in getting the right care for this spinal issue when needed. has an abnormal curvature of the spine. It usually starts in childhood or adolescence. Finding it early helps in choosing the best treatment plan and avoids worsening problems. This blog post will explain the signs of ...
Bruijns et al describe an intriguing study in "Effect of Spinal Immobilization on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Respiratory Rate" published in Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. It is important that we continue to examine the effects of spinal immobilization on our patients, and the authors' ...
“We expect our partnership with SpineCraft, a leader in the spinal orthopedics field, to demonstrate the superiority of our nanoTi alloy compared with conventional medical-grade titanium.” “SpineCraft is dedicated to developing next-generation spine surgery systems to improv...
Bruijns et al describe an intriguing study in "Effect of Spinal Immobilization on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Respiratory Rate" published in Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. It is important that we continue to examine the effects of spinal immobilization on our patients, and the authors' stud...
Having problems maintaining balance Being paralyzed (partial or complete) Having weak arms or legs Tingling in the arms or legs Deformities in the spinal cord or column Scoliosis, or curved spine Having difficulty controlling bowel or bladder function ...
When vertigo persists, evaluation for any underlying structural problems of the brain, spinal canal, or inner ear may be necessary. What Is MS? Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord...
Acquired brain injury and spinal cord severence 2. What are the symptoms of brain damage? Changes in emotional regulation Changes in vision Problems sensing the environment Problems with motor control All of the above Create your account to access this entire worksheet ...
When you experience a multiple sclerosis relapse (also known as an exacerbation or flare-up), it's because new damage in the brain or spinal cord disrupts nerve signals. That's why you might notice new symptoms or the return of old symptoms. A true relapse lasts more than 24 hours and ...
When you experience a multiple sclerosis relapse (also known as an exacerbation or flare-up), it's because new damage in the brain or spinal cord disrupts nerve signals. That's why you might notice new symptoms or the return of old symptoms. A true relapse lasts more than 24 hours and ...