Kelmanson I. A. Signs of sympathetic dominance in sleep and wake based on spectral analysis of heart rate variability in children with obstructive sleep apnea. Somnologie 2014; 18: 3: 194-201.Peled A, Bentur A (2003) QuantitativeDescription of the Pull-Out ...
Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) varies in severity from primary snoring to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Undiagnosed and untreated SDB in children is associated with adverse effects on neurobehavioral development, cardiovascular morbidity, poor quality of life, and increased healthcare utiliz...
Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome This revised clinical practice guideline, intended for use by primary care clinicians, provides recommendations for the diagnosis and management of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in children and adolescents. This practice ...
There areseveral types of headaches, and they are associated with lack of sleep, hunger and skipped meals, poor body posture, sinus infections and colds, menstruation (in women), high blood pressure (or low blood pressure), indigestion, alcohol consumption and many more. When Should You See a...
Free Essay: Obesity is a chronic disease when an individual has or gains excessive body fat. An individual isn’t obese because of being overweight; it’s the...
Irritability.Feeling grumpy or angry is one of the main symptoms of depression in children and teens. Irritability during episodes of sadness is probably depression. On its own, irritability is more likely to be from something else, likeanxietyor disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD). ...
For various reasons, children can have severe or light snoring while sleeping, and some of these reasons may get better or go away as they get older. But if your child, while snoring, has significant pauses in breathing, then it could be a sign of sleep apnea. If this is the case, ...
Children with epiglottitis and airway restriction may drool and mainly breathe by mouth Common signs and symptoms of hypoxemia Hypoxemia specifically refers to low oxygen levels in the blood, which can lead to the following symptoms: Shortness of breath (dyspnea): This is often the most prominent...
Bedwetting tends to run in families. Many children who wet the bed have a parent who did, too. Most of these children stop bedwetting on their own at about the same age the parent did. What Are Other Signs and Symptoms of Bedwetting?
It usually happens when you’re going from a deep stage ofsleepto a lighter stage or coming awake. You can't respond while you’re sleepwalking and usually don't remember it. In some cases, you may talk and not make sense. Sleepwalking mostly happens to children, usually between the ages...