"Because (men) normally do not have breasts in the way women do, they may notice a lump or a dimple or a change in skin color on their breast that would indicate the presence of a breast cancer," said Jones. "If (a man) has a change on his breast, he should absolutely let his ...
Each of the signs represents a single letter of the alphabet and they are used to finger spell proper names of people and places, as well as other words which do not have an agreed ASL sign. There are a whole lot of subtleties involved in correctly fingerspelling words or acronyms that I...
Periostitis, an inflammation of the connective tissue around the bone Osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones Skin and mouth Ulcers (sores) in your mouth or on your skin Rashes Hair loss Brittle nails Liver and gallbladder Bile duct cancer ...
That said, therearecommon signs of lung cancer that you need to know about. And many individuals with lung cancerdoexperience these symptoms, but too often, they attribute them to something other than lung cancer. Smokers, for instance, may attribute a cough to their daily habit. Plus, there...
But if you haven't recently hurt your finger or toe, these lines may be unrelated to blood-flow issues, and instead, a sign of melanoma (skin cancer). Unlike other types of melanoma, this type — known as acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) — isn't related to sun exposure. This melano...
Ethnic origin:In the U.S., African American men are more likely than Caucasian men to develop prostate cancer. They are also more likely to die from this disease as compared to Caucasian men of a similar age. Asian Americans, on the other hand, have a much lower chance of getting prosta...
Adigital rectal examinationis performed by a doctor using a lubricated gloved finger inserted through the anus to feel the cancer on the rectal wall. Not all rectal cancers can be felt this way, and detection is dependent on how far the tumor is from the anus. If an abnormality is detected...
New information is emerging all the time about the impacts of COVID infection on the heart, brain, and immune system. Vaccines are proving to be even safer than we first thought, and we’re learning that they protect both pregnant women and their newborn babies. And every month brings new...
New information is emerging all the time about the impacts of COVID infection on the heart, brain, and immune system. Vaccines are proving to be even safer than we first thought, and we’re learning that they protect both pregnant women and their newborn babies. And every month brings new...
A soft lump develops on the back of your hand. Swelling of the fingers makes them look like sausages. A creaking sound happens when you move your fingers. A clicking sound happens when you bend your finger joints. You can't straighten your fingers or thumb. ...