This is a prospective study evaluating the efficacy of four clinical signs believed to be useful in the diagnosis of scaphoid fracture. Two hundred and fifteen consecutive patients with suspected scaphoid fracture were examined on two separate occasions to evaluate tenderness in the anatomical snuff ...
Distal radius fracture - Carpal instability - Scapholunate dissociation - Scaphoid subluxation - Scapholunate angleThe posteroanterior and lateral wrist radiographs of 52 adults who sustained acute distal radial fractures were reviewed to determine the incidence of radiographic signs of concomitant acute ...
We selected 50 cases with unequivocal MRI evidence of scaphoid fracture, 50 cases with distal radius fracture and 50 cases with no MRI evidence of bony injury. All 150 initial plain radiographs were examined retrospectively in random order without knowledge of the MRI findings and the scaphoid and...
Our results suggest that these clinical signs are inadequate indicators of scaphoid fracture when used alone and should be combined to achieve a more accurate clinical diagnosis.J. Parvizi and J. Wayman and P. Kelly and C.G. MoranThe Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume...