Experts use the acronym FAST to remind people how to recognize the signs of a stroke and what to do. FAST stands for: Face (seeing if the face droops), Arms (seeing if one arm is weaker), Speech (listening for slurred or unusual words), and Time (every minute counts, so call 911 ...
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The symptoms of a TIA are the same as the symptoms of a stroke: things like one-sided weakness, slurred speech, or changes in vision. You can detect TIA symptoms with the FAST or BE FAST tests. In the first minutes, you won't know if you are seeing a mini-stroke or a full blown...
Playing Games With Stroke Recovery The ASA describes FAST like this: Face drooping. Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven or lopsided? Arm weakness. Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one...
facial muscles as a symptom of stroke manifests as drooping of one eyelid or sagging of one side of the face. Sometimesone sideof the face appears to be flat and the mouth may curve down. The tongue may also be affected, with the inability to move the tongue to one side of the ...
Signs of stroke To recognize the signs of stroke, remember the acronym FAST: Face: Does the face droop on one side when the person tries to smile? Arms: Is one arm lower when the person tries to raise both arms? Speech: Can the person repeat a simple sentence? Is speech slurred or ...
facial muscles as a symptom of stroke manifests as drooping of one eyelid or sagging of one side of the face. Sometimesone sideof the face appears to be flat and the mouth may curve down. The tongue may also be affected, with the inability to move the tongue to one side of the ...
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What is a silent stroke? Although there are no obvious symptoms in a silent stoke, this does not imply it is less hazardous or causes less damage. A silent stroke, also called asymptomatic cerebral infarction, can be caused by: The narrowing of the arteries A blood clot High blood pressure...
There areways in which you can greatly reduce your risk of having a stroke. So if you’re up for it, then you’ve come to the right place! 1. Exercise in moderation Engaging in moderate exercise decreases your risk of heart attack by 30% to 50%. So come, get your sneakers on and...