“It’s funny, usually a lot of names in medicine have nothing to do with disease. This actually kind of makes sense because, in essence, the skin is being toasted. It is due to heat,” Dr. Adam Friedman, professor and chair of dermatology at The George Washington University School of ...
Reddit.com/Zeepie Forget roses and candlelit dinners, this duo is all about conquering the Battle for Azeroth together! May your virtual battles be victorious, your internet connection be strong, and may you never run out of pizza and energy drinks as you embark on this WoW-...
Last week, lawmakers in Idaho sent a bill to the governor that would ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. In Missouri, lawmakers introduced a bill that would make it illegal for the state’s residents to get abortions in other states. States like California, however, are drafting ...
Women who havepreeclampsia, or high blood pressure during pregnancy, are at increased risk for heart disease later in life, Haythe said. Your body can also send some unusual signals, which are associated with increased risk of heart disease and heart attack, according to to a 2013studypublished...
in a particular season. A baby born in summer in either hemisphere arrives into a different physical environment from a winter baby; differences of temperature, hours of daylight, maternal diet during pregnancy and so on, with potentially different effects on the baby’s physical makeup and const...