When you think of child abuse, your first thought may be of a child withbruisesor other marks that raise red flags. But the signs aren’t always so clear. Abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Or a child may be neglected, meaning their caregivers don’t provide for basic needs,...
The article emphasizes the need for the practice nurse or nurse practitioner to recognize signs of abuse and neglect in child patients. A nurse may be the only person to have seen the injuries, so it is im...
摘要: Reviews two books on child abuse. 'Child Abuse and Neglect: A Clinician's Handbook,' by Christopher J. Hobbs, Helga G.I. Hanks and Jane M. Wynne; 'Physical Signs of Child Abuse: a Colour Atlas,' by Jane M. Wynne and Christopher J. Hobbs....
The descriptions of child abuse in the next section are intended for people who have questions about abuse, what it is, and how it may present itself. Although some cases of child abuse are obvious, many are not. Early recognition of child abuse tendencies and intervention at the point of ...
There are many systems for classifying child abuse, but the most practical one is perhaps the clinical system. It recognizes 4 main types of abuse, which are, in decreasing order of frequency, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional or psychological abuse. We will first discuss ph...
While telehealth has helped providers with care delivery during the coronavirus pandemic, it has also created challenges for those who’d always focused on in-person treatment. This includes nurses and doctors who are trained to look for evidence of child abuse or neglect. ...
Abandonment anxiety usually happens when a child experiences traumatic loss. There could be different forms of loss, such as being rejected or abandoned by a parent. Being orphaned or parents divorcing are also terrifying experiences that can evolve into abandonment issues. Neglect and abuse are also...
If you see signs of abuse or neglect while inside a store or any other location but do not know the child, see if it’s possible to get the license plate number of the car they leave in or find security personnel who can help you discreetly report the suspected abuse or neglect. ...
Elder abuse is the mistreatment of adults 60 years old or older. It can happen as physical actions or inactions (neglect). Most commonly, a trusted person or caregiver, such as an adult child or spouse, carries out the abusive behavior. But professional caregivers can abuse elders, too. ...
Verbal abuse can occur in any type of relationship: romantic relationships, parent-child relationships, family relationships, and co-worker relationships. Verbal abuse sometimes precedes physical abuse; however, this is not always the case. Verbal abuse can exist without physical abuse. The effects of...