Co-narcissism: Children of narcissistic parents become co-narcissists. Co-narcissistic children adopt accommodating strategies to preserve their relationships with their parents. These children please their parents, defer their own opinions, and avoid assertiveness for fear of being regarded as selfish. C...
Experts consider narcissism a trait. On the other hand, NPD is a mental illness. With NPD, a pattern of behavior affects all areas of a person’s life. You can havenarcissistic traitsbut not meet the official criteria for NPD. How common is narcissistic personality disorder? Researchers aren...
"The root of narcissism is often a need to be self-focused because you cannot trust that your caregivers are attuned to, and able to meet, your needs," points out Macadaan. For that reason, she encourages parents to be aware of and check in with family dynamics that may create disconnect...
I actually have a friend who has a father like this. She has a lot of issues as an adult because of it. She didn't go into the career her father wanted for her, and chose to go her own way. Needless to say, her dad was not pleased. In fact, he barely speaks to her. I per...
The cause of narcissism isn't known. But it can be linked to your: Environment. Your parents may have given you either too much adoration or too much criticism that didn't match your actual experiences and achievements. Genetics. Narcissism may be linked to your inherited characteristics, inclu...
Though the root cause of narcissism is unknown, narcissism in children is thought to be cultivated by parents. When parents overvalue their child, believing that their child is more special or deserving of things than other people, it can make the child feel entitled while also giving them low...
yourself, “How do I survive my wife’s constant abuse?”, understanding where her attitude and behavior stems from may give you some perspective on how to navigate your marriage in a way that’s least damaging to you. Now, let’s take a look at some classic signs of narcissism: ...
How can you tell if you are a narcissist? Here are 21 signs of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) We live in an increasingly self-obsessed culture, and we hear the word narcissist thrown around quite often in social media. But what is narcissism, and how can you tell if you are a...
Here are some ways narcissism can impact a golden child: Narcissistic parents may reinforce the golden child’s sense of entitlement by constantly praising them and catering to their every whim. Narcissistic parents may put even more pressure on the golden child to succeed in maintaining their ...
The primary difference that a sadistic personality has from other personalities is the pleasure they derive from harm to others. Sadism is considered one of the four ‘dark’ traits, known as the “Dark Tetrad” which includes sadism, psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. Although people ...