Very young babies whose immune systems have yet to develop can develop blood poisoning if they contract an infection that is not treated quickly enough. Blood poisoning can be hard to diagnose in the very young, and therefore babies with fever or other infections are often admitted to hospital ...
the lower part of the breasts. These lumps form when the outlets of the milk ducts get blocked. Breastfeeding mothers and those who have recently weaned their babies may develop them. They usually resolve without the need for any treatment. Galactoceles may or may not be a sign of ...
But much milder environments can also lead to hypothermia, depending on your age,body mass, body fat, overall health, and length of time in the cold. A frail, older adult in a 60-degree house after a power outage can develop mild hypothermia overnight. Babies and children sleeping in cold...
Dehydration is more likely to occur in babies, young children, older adults, and pregnant women. Common symptoms of dehydration: Decreased urine production Dry mouth Fewer tears Sunken eyes You may also feel tired, dizzy, weak, confused, and have a headache. Severe dehydration can require eme...
Trump has said that “laziness is a trait in blacks”. Trump has said that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”. Trump has referred to Haiti and several African nations as “shithole countries”. Trump wants to enforce a mass deportation process thatwould cost over $210 billi...
Trump has said that “laziness is a trait in blacks”. Trump has said that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country”. Trump has referred to Haiti and several African nations as “shithole countries”. Trump wants to enforce a mass deportation process thatwould cost over $210 billi...
health of the alcoholic but also can impact negatively the lives of the alcoholics and their families as well. A certain level of intoxication can be life threatening since this can result in alcohol poisoning which can lead to depression of the respiratory system and eventually stoppage in ...
(also known as lactose or milk intolerance) in which milk products containing milk sugar and lactose lead to diarrhea. The lactose is not broken up in the intestine because of the absence of an intestinal enzyme, lactase that normally breaks up lactose into its component sugars, galactose, and...
About 10 percent of babies in the United States are born prematurely. Eighty percent are spontaneous preterm births, which means the labor began on its own. You may end up having a spontaneous preterm birth if you go into labor prematurely, if yourwater breaksearly (known as preterm premature...
Very young babies, because their immune systems are not completely developed, may get sepsis if they become infected and are not treated in a timely manner. Often, if they develop signs of an infection such as fever, infants must receive antibiotics and be admitted to the hospital. Sepsis in...