Maged Rizk, a gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. For instance, strong emotions – such as fear and anxiety –impact the brain’s limbic system, which sends signals to the organs within the gastrointestinal tract. The result can be diarrhea, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome and...
Heavy alcohol use candamage the lungsin several ways. It can weaken the immune system, damage the surface cells of the lungs and harm the cilia that help to remove foreign particles from the lungs. This can lead to a syndrome called alcoholic lung, which can start to develop in as little...
Constipation:The colon is the final chance for probiotics to do their job. If you’ve starved them of the fiber they live on, you’ll have too small of a colony to keep your stools soft and moving. Irritable Bowel Syndrome:The most common GI disorder in the world, this painful disease ...
According to differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, Irritable Bowel Syndrome was classified into two types, disharmony of the liver and spleen and deficiency of the heart and spleen, which were treated with acupuncture respectively. As a result, of 31 cases, 25 cases had marked ...
Crohn’s disease, which causes pain and swelling in other places in your gut, not just your colon Irritable bowel syndrome An infection The only way to know why you have symptoms is to see your doctor and get tested. If you already know you have ulcerative colitis, call your doctor if ...
“The physical manifestations – chronic neck and back pain, headache, stomach and abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome – that can accompany anxiety disorder can be mild or severe,” Dr. Seymour explains. “Often anxiety is not the problem; it’s what manifests from it emotionally and phy...
Stress and anxiety can lead to stomach issues like cramps, bloating,constipation, anddiarrhea. If you haveirritable bowel syndrome, stress may trigger flare-ups, which can cause digestive discomfort. If you’re stressed and starting to notice any of these symptoms, it could be a sign that you...
People with celiac disease often are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, other types of digestive symptoms can appear. For example, flatulence and excessive gas are common, as is abdominal bloating (many people describe themselves as looking pregnant). It's also common to have ...
Research shows a link between depression, inflammation, and changes in the immune system. Those with depression are more likely to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), type 2 diabetes, and arthritis. However, it’s unclear where the cause and effect is. Social effects It’s not ...
Beata Rydyger, BS.c., R.H.N., is aregistered holistic nutritionist(Canadian certification) who specializes in a wide range of nutritional needs. She works with those who have diabetes, gluten intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome.