Symptoms and signs of a sick chihuahua often can go unnoticed. Your chihuahua can not explain its symptoms, so it’s your responsibility to keep him or her healthy and to determine whether or not they need veterinary care. Chihuahuas tend to want to hide their illness, so it is up to y...
Abuse of any kind is devastating & life changing. It brings new problems of mental illness, promiscuity and suicide. People are hurting and are using this forum to cope and try to heal from their ordeal while you ignorantly attempt to correct their grammar. Really?! Your life must be prett...
A sore on your tongue may be a cold sore. According toMedlinePlus, this type of sore is caused by a contagious virus. Once caught, the virus lives inside your body for years, and certain triggers activate the virus, causing a cold sore to develop. Triggers for the disease include illn...
A:Anal herpes is not a form of herpes in itself; the term refers to the development of signs of genital herpes in the anal area. The most typical sign of anal herpes is blisters or ulcers in or around the anus, which may become painful. Q: What are the signs of herpes on the tongue?
as well as to assess the need to incorporate forensic evidence collection into the physical examination and evaluate for any indication of a need for mental health services.[11]If the child is able to cooperate with a discussion of the history of present illness, take care to use age-appropri...
The elderly:The geriatric population is more likely to develop dehydration due to immobility from falls or debilitating illness, impaired thirst mechanism, and chronic diseases such as diabetes and renal diseases. Outdoor workers:Those who work or perform some other physical activity outdoors during ho...
Dry mouth and tongue No tears when crying Less than six wet diapers a day for infants No wet diapers or peeing for 8 hours for toddlers Sunken eyes, cheeks, soft spot on the top of the skull Sleepiness, lack of energy, or irritability ...
Perifollicular hemorrhage (shown) is a clue to the presence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency.[6] Insufficient vitamin C intake causes scurvy, an illness characterized by fatigue, widespread connective tissue weakness, and capillary fragility.[6,7] Because it cannot be synthesized by the hu...
a sign of illness, or the start of a seizure disorder. You’re going to want to know what caused your dog to have a seizure in the first place and what to do about it, so the first thing you’ll need to do isget in touch with your vet. The next step is to learn a bit more...
Digestive illness such as inflammatory bowel disease, celiac symptoms, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis that just won’t get better even after numerous diet and lifestyle changes could be a sign of low stomach acid. Since a lack of strong stomach acid can let bacteria grow beyond optimal...