of boys, (3) peak height velocity indicates that time of maximal acquisition of height (the so called "growth spurt"), and (4) the onset of menstrual periods coincides with the slowing of rapid growth and is generally about two and a half years after the onset of puberty (Tanner II)....
She told me it started when she hit puberty at around 13. He did it till she was about 22. It was more frequent during her high school years. He'd wake her up in the middle of the night and ask her to sit on his lap. And he'd ask her questions about what her and her boyfri...
When these changes do start, many boys at this age tend to shut down and keep those feelings close, which makes parents feel unsure of where to even begin to eke out more than a grunt. This is where it can pay off to encourage our boys far before puberty to express their emotions —...
Study: Boys starting puberty earlier; Controversial: Blacks are more likely to develop first signs by age 10, some researchers sayASSOCIATED PRESS
One or two things over the years might have just been a fluke. A handful of things bunched together during one summer might have just been a phase. But here, in event after encounter after situation, consistently, for close to 20 years since the start of puberty, there was something...