Itching and flaking are not typically the causes of hair loss. They can be symptoms of an unhealthy scalp environment, however, and be present alongside hair loss. For example, they can be due tosebum buildupordandruff(3). Treating this scalp irritation can be very helpful in restoring the ...
Delay in the onset of menarche (the first occurrence of menstruation) in young girls and the cessation of menstrual bleeding in women who have not reached menopause Brittle nails Fatigue Dry skin Hair loss from the scalp Fine hair growth all over the body Reduced sex drive Feeling cold and di...
None of these need to be life-threatening, nor does hair loss usually follow them. (Moreover, it can happen after onepregnancy, but not the next.) But when the hair falls out, it's all over the place – covering the pillow, clogging the drain, and so forth. Paradoxically, the more ...
Depression, which is a mental health condition that can cause sleep issues, low mood, and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities Thinking and memory problems Diarrhea,bloating, andheartburn Pernicious anemia is different from the more commoniron-deficiency anemia, which is triggered by low...
Gastrinomas: Gastrin-producing tumors trigger the stomach to produce too much acid, which leads to ulcers, blacktarry stools, andanemia. Somatostatinomas: Somatostatin-producing tumors result in other hormones being overregulated and producing symptoms of diabetes, diarrhea, belly pain, jaundice, and...
Several vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause brittle nails. Some of the more common include iron, biotin and calcium. "One of the most common signs ofiron-deficiency anemiais brittle or spoon-shaped nails," Ruth says. Before you even get a blood test and find out you're iron-deficien...
What Are Some Pitfalls of Puberty? Several physiologic and psychological processes are experienced by many teens during the pubertal and postpubertal years of young adulthood. Some of these situations may be unknown to both teen and parent (for example, risk for anemia in girls following menarche)...
Other signs of infertility in women may include: Irregular, painful, or absent menstrual periods: This may mean that you're notovulatingregularly or at all. Weight gain, increased acne, changes in sex drive, growth of facial hair and/or loss of hair: These issues may signal a hormonal pro...
History of head trauma. History of infection or injury to your testicles. Anosmia (loss of ability to smell). Past or present use of anabolic steroids, opiates, glucocorticoids or antidepressants. Family history of diseases linked to Low-T. History of unexplained anemia. History of chemotherapy ...
Female hair loss can happen for a few reasons, several of which may be related to fertility. Again, PCOS can affect hair growth, but thinning hair may also be caused by anemia or thyroid issues, which can negatively affect your ability to get pregnant. ...