One of the most fundamental needs of humans is a state of belonging. Sometimes the family we’re brought up with, or the communities we’re put in just don’t feel right. If you want to create your own safe space where you belong, you need to haveunderstanding. It’s crucial that yo...
Every year in the U.S., it’s estimated that10% of adults60 years and older are victims of elder abuse. Last year this added up to5 millionolder Americans. The impact of elder abuse can be devastating: People with confirmed elder abuse weretwice as likely to diethan those who were not...
hello iv had a chinchilla for 2 almost 3 years now i just found out i was allergic to it so we took it out of my room now its in are basment and its loseing a lot of hair and it looks really funny im trying to find a better home for it but no one wants it becouse its sick...
You can also enter a basic key word into any of the search boxes featured on thef site and a list of related articles will appear that meet your search criteria. As always, thank you for your interest, thank you for being here, and thank you for reading. Big symbolic blessings to you...
Wesayyou ’ re ‘ inthepink ’ whenweareingoodhealth.Itiseasytounderstandhowthisexpressionwasborn.Whenmyfaceha sanicefresh,pinkcolor,itisasignmyhealthisgood. Thecolorgreenisnaturalfortrees,itisanunnaturalcolorforhumans.Whensomeonedoesn’ tfeelwell,someonewhoissick,forexample,wesayhe ‘ looksgr...
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how humans live and interact, raising both excitement and concerns—particularly about the potential for AI consciousness. For example, Google engineer Blake Lemoine suggested that the AI chat
Thankfully, there are usually indicators when someone is in distress, and there are steps you can take to help.Fifteen Signs of A Mental Health CrisisDo you know the signs of a mental crisis? Remember that the triggers and the severity of the issues can vary significantly among people. ...
While AI has been a hot topic for years, conversational generative artificial intelligence ("GenAI") tools recently have become readily accessible and are being rapidly adopted as part of digital health platforms, providing vast opportunities for efficiency and innovation in connection with patient care...
Another very misunderstood sign of intelligence is the ability to stomach the unknown. This means the ability to exercise restraint in jumping to conclusions. There are many things we may feel sure about and see proof of. Clearly humans need oxygen, water and food to survive, for example. ...
Now that you have a better idea of the answer to “What are mommy issues for daughters?” you may be wondering about the psychology behind mommy issues in women. Much of what we know about mommy issues comes from Bowlby’s attachment theory, which says humans are innately wired to seek...