Men suffering from emotional pain may withdraw from relationships, whether they be romantic, familial, or platonic. They might feel that isolating themselves will protect them from being hurt again or may believe they are undeserving of affection and companionship. Research has shown that relationship...
Emotionally matured people understand their emotional needs. It is important to take care of others’ feeling but it does not mean they should totally forgo their own feelings. The key is to stay balanced and to attend to own emotional needs when it is necessary. If a person does not respec...
And it's often the people we love the most and want to hurt the least that bear the brunt of our inability to handle our emotions. Emotional maturity is key to successful relationships both at home and at work. Here are three ways to assess whether you’re on the path to emotional m...
We're becoming more aware of emotional abuse as a culture, but the concepts of it in popular media tend to be pretty extreme: gas lighting, denial of access to funds or children, aggressive verbal abuse, and other overt examples of subjugation and…
Whether you stay or go, just remember: Emotional cheating is just as big of a deal as physical cheating, so don’t be afraid to make your worth known. Just because it didn't happen between the sheets, it doesn't mean it didn't hurt....
trust in the partnership, they assume any expression of displeasure from your end is designed to hurt them personally. The abuser, in this case, sets off an emotional backlash, or in a worse scenario, may even try to physically hurt you. This is what experiencing emotional abuse feels like...
It may be difficult torecognize abuseif you’re not being physically hurt, but emotional and verbal abuse may be a sign thatphysicalabuse will follow. Signs of Verbal Abuse Emotional and verbal abuse can take many forms and can come frompartners, caregivers, coworkers,parents, and others. If...
and wait for the storm to pass—it's a normal feeling that most married duos feel now and then. However, when that type of coping mechanism carries into weeks and months, this could be a signal that something much bigger and more damaging is going on, like emotional neglect in a ...
However, it takes two to communicate. If your parent or parental figure is hell-bent on maintaining the silent treatment until or unless you apologize, not considering the fact that it was your fault or not, this again is a severe form of emotional abuse. ...
To recognize the signs of emotional abuse, pay attention not only to the way the person is treating you but also to the way those actions make you feel. Being aware of these two factors will help you identify emotional abuse. You may be in an unhealthy and emotionally abusive relationship ...