Older women can develop eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia, midlife. But treatment looks very different from treating a teenager. Here’s what to know.
Eating disorders are serious illnesses that usually require treatment for recovery. Recognize signs and symptoms of an eating disorder in a teenager.
Studies show thatgenetics can be the causeof certain mental conditions such as schizophrenia. Additionally, a multitude of genes can contribute to the onset of depression and bipolar disorder. Therefore, if the parents of a teenager have depression, anxiety, or bipolar, the child has a higher ri...
seems to be doing better not displaying any noticable signs of the abuse still happening, nor has she told me anything about it happening. However, I still believe whole heartedly the abuse took place. If not her father, someone had abused my child. I had...
starting with a guided meditation recording may be advantageous. It is also worth mentioning that meditation can help people with dyslexia have fewer general errors in reading. If you have a teenager with dyslexia, there are alsoresources for dyslexic teensthat will help them cope with the stress...
Some signs that a teenager might have bipolar disorder include: Signs and symptoms of mania Extremely happy or silly Easily angered Highly agitated Talking very fast Racing thoughts Exaggerated confidence in their abilities, knowledge, and power ...
The struggle with depression is different in men than women for a multitude of reasons. The main ones being “as men, we are strong” and the battle with “denial.” Left untreated, male depression can be a debilitating mood disorder that affects virtually every area of your life. Though ...
A lack of experiencing sexual attraction is the only thing that all asexuals have in common. That’s what the definition of asexuality is. But that definition doesn’t help people who are trying to figure out if they’re asexual. It’s a definition through negation, which isn’t useful ...
My Crohn's disease was unknowingly causing memouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers are painful lesions or sores in your mouth that can make it hard to eat. At times, eating was so painful that I lost weight from not eating. The sores seemed to be worse during times of high stress. ...
Ongoing stress, such as living in a dangerous neighborhood or being the target ofbullying, can also be traumatic for a child—even if it just feels like daily life to an adult.5 Childhood trauma doesn’t even have to involve experiences that occur directly to the child. Watching a loved ...