If your dog is exhibiting more than one symptom, or if the symptom has lasted more than a day or two, it's a sign your pet needs to see a veterinarian. And even if your dog doesn't exhibit any of these signs of illness, don't hesitate to take them to the vet if they're actin...
If your dog begins having trouble breathing, it is essential to call your vet right awayif you have not already done so. This can be a sign of illness that is treatable with the right care. This is often one of the last signs that develops when a dog is dying. However, it can also...
a sign of illness, or the start of a seizure disorder. You’re going to want to know what caused your dog to have a seizure in the first place and what to do about it, so the first thing you’ll need to do isget in touch with your vet. The next step is to learn a bit more...
changes in appetite, fever, reluctance to move much, or signs such as coughing if there is heart disease, or others. If your dog is starting to sleep more than usual, or has any of the mentioned signs of illness, it’s important to get them checked by a veterinarian as soon as possib...
Signs A Dog Is Dying Whether you have a pup that is in the terminal stages of an illness or a very old pup, you know that the end is near, so you should get ready for it. At this point, all you can do is make everything as comfortable as possible for your companion. ...
If you notice that your dog is urinating more or less than usual, it could be a sign of illness. Increased or decreased urination could indicate a kidney issue, a tumor, a bladder infection, or liver disease. Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss ...
Caring for an incontinent dog can be difficult, but the key is to develop a strict feeding and bathroom schedule. Such a schedule combined with regular diaper changes or manual bladder expression (depending on the dog's precise needs) will help to prevent infection, discomfort, and illness. ...
Aside from this, a stressful situation can also affect, aggravate, or initiate an illness that your dog may have to carry throughout their lives. Had that stressful condition been dealt with properly at the first place, a lot of negative outcomes could have been avoided. ...
Major changes or traumatic events in a dog’s life — for example, a loss of a companion animal or owner — can trigger signs of depression. The most common reasons for depression in dogs include: Boredom A physical illness Grief Moving ...
you should check that spot for bugs and swellings. Losing hair behind the ears, on the limbs and other parts of the body may also indicate illness. Don’t be alarmed by general fur falling off the dog though, just get a vet if the skin is visible and it doesn’t seem to be improv...