Down – under the influence of a depressant drug; depressant Down – period of depression after �crashing�; when an intoxicating drug wears off Down and dirtys – Quaalude (methaqualone) Down and out – (after drug wears off) no longer high, drug supply is exhausted (out of drugs)...
If you are not sure which one that is, you may pull all of the spark plugs and will notice one will have a white-crystal-like substance on it and/or may look dirty; this is the plug you should pull. Leave that plug out for the 50 minute idle in order to relieve the pressure fro...
Common Causes:Common causes of exhaust problems include dirty or clogged air filters. Overworked engine exhaust filters make the short list as well. But it could also signal more severe concerns like engine malfunctions, oxygen sensor misreadings, poor exhaust recirculation, main or auxiliary ventila...