Getting a diagnosis is also difficult because there are a lot of conditions, including learning disorders and depression, that can mimic ADHD symptoms. Dr. Gierisch says she has personally helped women who were initially diagnosed with and treated for anxiety foryearsbefore their ADHD was recognized...
So, if you suspectdepressionand/or suicidal thoughts, urge your loved one to see his or her physician. You can explain that there are medications that can help lift the dark mood enough to make it easier to find solutions to some of their problems. If they have some tangible problems, he...
In general (although not universally speaking), asexual people don’t have a problem going without sex for long periods of time. If you told an asexual person that they couldn’t have sex for ten years, their response will often be something along the lines of “Okay, whatever.” If you...
Signs of AIDS include: Extremefatigue Severe or fast weight loss Diarrhea that lasts for more than a week Pneumonia Sores in your mouth, anus, or genitals Depression Swollen lymph nodes around your armpits, groin, or neck that don’t go away ...
It has been suggested that a 1% decrease in testosterone level per year is not unusual for middle-aged (30 to 50 years old) and older males. While this decrease may not be noticeable in some men, others may experience significant changes starting in their middle-aged years or more commonly...
Fact: When looking back, most people who committed suicide showed some signs in the things that they said or did in the weeks before. Some suicides may be impulsive and not planned out, but the signs of depression, anxiety, or substance abuse were present. It is important to understand wha...
(men under 40 and women under 50 years old). Since young people do not normally have significant coronary artery plaque, a negative calcium score makes the diagnosis ofcoronary artery diseaseunlikely. However, finding calcium by this method is less meaningful in older patients who are likely to...
Contrast the symptoms of gonorrhea in females and males. When visiting relatives, one of the older females develops sharp severe right upper quadrant abdominal pain. Based on your knowledge of pathophysiology, you suspect it is cholelithiasis or cholecystit...
It might not only be the fact that it may have come out of the blue for you, but also this undeniable truth of LOSS that is so hard to handle with the things you've learned so far in life. Many of you will have experiences already with forms of loss in your lives, but have they...
and medical history. Males who may have had prostate surgery may have blood in the urine. Men and women who have hadradiation therapymay develop inflammation of the bladder wall that can cause a significant amount of bleeding. Some patients withkidney stonesmay experience blood in their urine. ...