Menopause symptoms can affect sexuality. Along with menopause, women experience lower levels of the hormone estrogen. One of the effects of lowered estrogen levels is a decrease in blood supply to the vagina, which causes vaginal dryness. This can result in painful or uncomfortable intercourse. Wat...
A variety of things may trigger headaches, but a decrease in estrogen levels is a common cause in women. If headaches occur routinely at the same time every month, just prior to or during a period, declining estrogen may be the trigger. If hormonal headaches are particularly bad, a doctor ...
Men, not women, with higher levels of natural testosterone have better memory recall. Libido and Fertility Testosterone levels should rise in response to sexual arousal and activity. If they don’t, it could be a sign of low testosterone. Thus, replacing testosterone benefits both men and women...
Intercourse should never be painful, and while there is nothing wrong with requiring apersonal moisturizerfor more comfortable sex, decreased vaginal lubrication may be a sign of dropping estrogen andperimenopause. Excess Body Hair Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of infertilit...
Conditions that cause pain during sexual intercourse may affect fertility. This is the case withendometriosisand infections in the reproductive organs. Sex can also be painful if you experience vaginal dryness, which could be a sign of low estrogen levels. ...
Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of hyperandrogenism in women. Non-classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH) is very close to PCOS. The diagnosis of hyperandrogenism is not based on the finding of decreased or increased levels of a single hormone. ...
the body. If the plaque involves leg arteries, the decreased blood supply to the leg muscles can causeclaudicationor painin the legs with activity. Plaque buildup in arteries of the neck or brain can lead tostroke. Plaque that builds up in the arteries of the heart can lead to heart ...
Estrogen agonists/antagonists in combination with estrogen for prevention and treatment of menopause-associated signs and symptoms For several decades, clinicians have been prescribing hormone therapy to postmenopausal women for approved indications, including the alleviation of vasomo... DW Stovall,JAV Pink...
During menopause, the body stops producing estrogen in significant quantities.Additional research is necessary to understand the specific ways in which MS might affect women’s bodies.Sexual problemsWomen with MS may experience reduced or painful sensation in the vaginal/clitoral area, as well as ...
During menopause, the body stops producing estrogen in significant quantities.Additional research is necessary to understand the specific ways in which MS might affect women’s bodies.Sexual problemsWomen with MS may experience reduced or painful sensation in the vaginal/clitoral area, as well as ...