Whooping cough gets its name from its most famous symptom – a "whoop" sound you might make when you gasp for air at the end of acoughingfit. But it doesn't happen in all adults, so it's important to learn the range of symptoms you might get – from a runny nose to a hacking c...
This is, and has been, the most prevalent symptom since day 1 of the pandemic, occurring in about 88% of people in a report from WHO that tracked 55,924 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, China, one of the largest collections to date that reviewed cases of the first, origin...
What will happen if I stick thisbean, rock, candy, coin, piece of foam, finger, pencil… up my nose? What is the best location for me to set my full glass of liquid in order to ensure that it gets spilled all over the dinner table that has just been set? How can I strategically...
The toxicity of this lies in the slow erosion of confidence. Sometimes all the fight in the world can’t repair trust when it’s badly broken. Know when enough is enough. It’s not your fault that the trust was broken, but it’s up to you to make sure that you’re not broken ...
Cold symptoms tend to start slowly. You’re more likely to sneeze and have a runny nose and sore throat than with either the flu or pneumonia. Colds don’t usually cause a fever in adults. The top clue that you have the flu is that the symptoms come on strong, seemingly out of nowhe...
This sign has an oh-so-attractive picture on it that we bet few would even recognize as human if not for the eyes and nose and stuff. Instagram/@kalechips14 Why she picked that picture will remain a mystery to everybody but her and, we guess, the person that is being...
Like Gemini, the sign of the Twins, Fischl is an intriguing character because she displays dual personalities. Claiming to have arrived from another world, Fischl is quick to stick her nose in others' business, but isn't as forthcoming about her own past. That said, she clearly cares a...
I’m using the term ‘psycho’ here in the colloquial sense of the word. I’m not focused on the clinical definition of psychosis. Though you’ll encounter some of that among women who exhibit these signs too. Instead, we are talking about crazy, nutty, outré behavior from broken people...
Most types of bacterial pneumonia are not highly contagious. Even though it is possible to spread bacteria from one person to another, pneumonia typically occurs in people with risk factors or weakened immune defenses when bacteria that are normally present in the nose or throat invade the lung ...
called a "geographic." This means when things get too difficult in one place, they move somewhere else. They change jobs. They change cities. They run roughshod over relationships, including those with spouses and SOs, kids, employers, and friends, leaving trails of broken hearts behind them....