National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol’s Effects on the Body”>.” Accessed August 23, 2023. Molina, Patricia E.; Happel, Kyle I.; Zhang, Ping; et al. “Focus on: Alcohol and the immune system”[…]immune system.” Alcohol Research and Health, 2010. Accessed ...
Dangers of Xanax Detox Attempting to quit using Xanax on your own can be extremely dangerous and life-threatening. Quitting “cold turkey” can result in seizures. Xanax should not be stopped suddenly without medical supervision where things like blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature can be ...
Getting enough omega-3s isn’t a cure-all. But these fatty acids are important for the healthy functioning of every cell and organ in your body. To achieve a healthy omega-3 level, many Americans need a high quality fish oil supplement rich in essential fatty acids. If you’re looking ...
Vanessa Van Edwards created the #VanEdwards method for detoxing your relationships: Write the name of each person in your life on a Post-It note Pick up each Post-It note and think of the last time you were with that person. Ask yourself, “does this person spark joy for me?” ...