radiator cap radiator coil radiator grill radiator grille radiator hose Radiator ornament radical radical axis Radical axis of two circles radical cell radical chic radical expression radical hysterectomy radical mastectomy Radical pitch Radical quantity radical sign radical signs Radical stress Radical vessels...
I think its a blown head gasket and the exhaust is leaking into the cooling system, causing the coolant to dump out the radiator cap. Also the radiator cap is bad and needs replaced. My jeep is parked being watched over by some bums that helped me push it to a parking lot…. I game...
upon checking the car after having it towed home, I noticed that the water in the radiator and over flow bottle bubbles when the car is idling and there is a film of white (milky looking substance) under the oil cap. Please tell me what the problem could be and if you have a product...