One of the worst things you can do as a boss never goes the extra mile for your staff or customers. A good boss will work the extra hours, do the additional work, and do their best to make sure the expectations of their staff and clients are always exceeded. Lazy bosses’ businesses ...
delegating the toughest tasks.The signs of a good boss are also listed, including being cheerful and positive and having reasonable expectations of their team.The Good Boss Company consultancy group surveyed 1,000 workers and found nearly one in four classed their boss as "bad" or " dreadful"...
while protecting the privacy of the team members you spoke with, will help you catch signs of a bad manager while they're fixable. Coach the manager on areas to improve, keep listening to their team in skip levels, and you may be surprised how quickly things can improve. ...
How to Improve:Inflexibility will drive your employees away, too -- from your team, and possibly from your company. Workplace flexibility is one of the most highly sought-afterbenefits of job seekers, and if your company isn't accommodating that fact, it will start to lose talent. While yo...
We’ll examine six traits of good bosses, as well as the bad-boss qualities you should recognize and address. Did You Know? Good bosses hire employees who will be team assets, ensuring everyone shares the same work ethic and outlook. What are the traits of a good boss? You may know ...
How to Spot the Boss from Hell Classic Signs of a Mr Nasty Byline: OLIVER FINEGOLDA STUDY today details the 10 signs of a bad boss - from having complete disregard for employees' need for a life away from work to d... O Finegold - How to Spot the Boss from Hell Classic Signs of...
Bad bosses can create all sorts of problemsfor the businesses that employ them, causing employees to call in sick, become disengaged, and even quit their jobs. According to the Gallup Organization, having a bad boss is thenumber onereason people quit their job. ...
3) They're interested in being a leader (not a boss) This last one might sound obvious, but so much of what makes someone a good candidate for leadership is their desire to be a manager in the first place (or not). Wanting to be a manager is about interest in the actual job and...
If your boss regularly teases or picks on you, it could be theirway of flirtingor trying to hide their admiration. 15. They force a special bond with you Some people are lucky enough to form a special bond with their boss naturally. You can have harmless banter and inside jokes without...
Suddenly, everything that doesn't go well is your fault, and you feel you're being constantly undermined in front of your colleagues? That’s bullying. And it can be an attempt to make you quit. Undermining your work, making you feel guilty, bad about yourself, and simply unhappy is on...