What are the primary functions, deficiency signs/symptoms, and main food sources of vitamin B12?Question:What are the primary functions, deficiency signs/symptoms, and main food sources of vitamin B12?Vitamins:Vitamins are organic substances required by the body in various amo...
We purpose in this study to describe a method for determination of vitamin B12 based in the speciation of the metal element : cobalt. First, a method for determination of cobalt by atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace atomization was evaluated. Calibration was prepared with aqueous ...
Depending on the cause, males and females can typically lose their hair in very different ways (2). As we saw, boys (and men) often show their first signs of hair loss at the hairline and temples. While women can also recede in the temples, their hair loss is more often diffuse. In...
Get information about the function of the liver, the largest gland in the body. Liver diseases include hepatitis, cancer of the liver, infections, medications, genetic conditions, and blood flow problems. Read about liver disease symptoms and signs like
Iron deficiency anemia:A condition where there's a lack of iron in the body, leading to a decreased production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia:Deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to the production of abnormally large red blood cells, which are not as efficient...
Hopefully this article has shed some light on common symptoms that otherwise seem unrelated. Who would have thought that peeling fingernails, vitamin B12 deficiency and bloating after meals could be tied to the same underlying problem? Dial up your stomach acid naturally and find relief today!
Medical problems: A range of medical problems, from vitamin B12 deficiency to cancer, are associated with depression. Medications: Similarly, certain drugs, such as steroids and blood pressure medication, can have depression as a side effect. What are the signs of depression? The signs of depre...
Sores in the mouth. Nutritional deficiencies, such as lowered levels of folic acid, iron, vitamin B12, and fat-soluble vitamins. Bowel obstruction. Abnormal tunnels or openings known as fistulas that sometimes forms between parts of the intestine or between the intestine and another organ such as...
For both men and women, the rates for thyroid cancer arerisingatepidemic rates. Also consider that, right now,nearly one in seven womenis expected to get breast cancer andone in three menis expected to get prostate cancer. And, as I previously stated, worst of all . . . ...
For both men and women, the rates for thyroid cancer arerisingatepidemic rates. Also consider that, right now,nearly one in seven womenis expected to get breast cancer andone in three menis expected to get prostate cancer. And, as I previously stated, worst of all . . . ...