the decreased blood supply to the leg muscles can causeclaudicationor painin the legs with activity. Plaque buildup in arteries of the neck or brain can lead tostroke. Plaque that builds up in the arteries of the heart can lead to heart attack. ...
the decreased blood supply to the leg muscles can causeclaudicationor painin the legs with activity. Plaque buildup in arteries of the neck or brain can lead tostroke. Plaque that builds up in the arteries of the heart can lead to heart attack. ...
Agoraphobia.Technically, this is defined by intense fear and anxiety of any place or situation where escape might be difficult.Agoraphobiainvolves avoidance of situations such as being alone outside of the home; traveling in a car, bus, or airplane; or being in a crowded area. You may think ...
More women than men experience anxiety, by a factor of two to one. Over the course of a lifetime, Americans have a 10 percent chance of developing anxiety. But rates of the disorder have been rising rapidly over the past decade. The median age of onset is 31. Studies show that in ...
Anxiety or a feeling of impending doom In addition, women tend to have worse outcomes with heart attacks than men, according to a 2016 statement by theAmerican Heart Association. For example, those who survive a heart attack and wind up in the hospital are more likely to have shock, bleedin...
①However, “there are many reasons to think that it's different in women,” Harvard Medical School reported. ②For example, women are more likely to experience disturbed sleep, anxiety and unusual fatigue before a heart attack. ③Stress is so normalized that it is easy for women to shrug ...
Lack of interest.If they start losing interest in things they used to enjoy. PTSD symptoms.Many of the signs above are also symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder: Agitation, irritability, hostility, hypervigilance, self-destruction, social isolation, flashbacks, fear, anxiety, loss of trust,...
The only reason I risk that fate now is to soothe an escalating series of anxiety attacks that range from "Uh-oh" to "Oh, no" to a shrieking "YIPES!"Goodman, Ellen
For now, we think it’s incredibly, ridiculously, desperately important that everyone understands the signs of heart attack in women. The signs can be vastly different than men’s, and even medical professionals can miss the signals. Know what to look out for so you can protect yourself and...
While men and women share some of the sameheart attacksymptoms, The University of Alabama's Dr. Joseph Fritz explains they can also have different symptoms. For both women and men, the basic symptoms of a heart attack include chest tightness or pressure and/or pain in the chest, neck, jaw...