If a dental abscess is suspected,the affected person should visit the dentist as soon as possible.The dentist will perform an examination of the affected area. They may test the affected tooth by pressing on it or tapping it with an instrument.6If the tooth is infected, it will usually be...
still having a great deal of pain, I decided to go to the dentist, after his exam it was determined I have an abcessed tooth, following day he started a root canal, he cleaned the canal, but said I have more infection that didn’t drain, he sealed the tooth and has prescribed amoxi...
An abscessed tooth is a condition in which the nerve of the tooth (the dental pulp) becomes infected. Infection often occurs when a dental cavity (tooth decay) goes untreated and spreads deep within the tooth. The bacteria that cause anabscesscan spread down the length of the roots of the ...
In both situations, the pulp can become infected and die. Signs of Dead Teeth Pain doesn't always occur when a tooth dies. Some people don't experience pain and may be completely unaware that their tooth has died. Regular dental checkups are essential to identify these asymptomatic dead ...
I had a broken infected molar a few years back that had to have an extensive root canal and then a crown. The crown has never felt right and the dentist had filed the crown down on numerous occasions. You can tell the bite is off because the top veneer had eroded within the first 6...
The longer answer is: When it comes to where, when, and how HIV evolved into a virus that infected many millions of humans, we've learned a lot—but there's a lot more we have yet to learn. In the meantime, going back to the earliest days of the HIV epidemic, there's been a ...