After a decade of working in the area of eating disorder treatment I found myself asking what makes recovery seem temporary and relapse likely. What is it that brings individuals who are at one point fighting for their lives, through a period of being asymptomatic and then...
“A portion have had persistent illness, never really recovering, and some seem to have had subthreshold conditions or hints of an eating disorder in adolescence, but never had it really crystallize into a full-blown diagnosable syndrome until midlife.” These women may have been at a low, ...
We know that there is a lot of shame and guilt that can accompany the disordered eating behaviors associated with BN and this can make it difficult to admit that there is a problem. However, if you ignore or downplay the seriousness of an eating disorder your physical and mental health cou...
And once someone begins displaying the more common characteristics of an eating disorder such asanorexiaorbulimia, experts consider the condition to be fairly advanced. The longer an eating disorder lingers, the harder it is to get rid of it. And those people have higher rates of relapse and w...
Alcohol use disorder is defined as the consumption of alcohol to the point at which it interferes with the individual's life from an occupational, social, or health standpoint. It follows that behavior exhibited by an individual with this disorder can be interpreted in different ways by different...
and psycho education regarding the early warning signs of mood relapse can improve social function and reduce the need for medications, number of hospitalizations, and relapse rates. Children who receive intensive psychotherapy or group therapy have fewer relapses and longer periods of relative wellness...
“there are two schools of thought,” she says. “some say that abstinence is the only way to go. others say you can decrease alcohol consumption without relapsing. to me, the danger of relapse is the same in both situations.” but abbasi says it’s “complicated and complex” to ...
There’s a catch-22 with recognizing the symptoms of bipolar, particularly when it comes to mania: Some people with bipolar disorder simply don’t realize what’s going on, often because they enjoy the high—it can make them feel like they’re on top of the world. They have an abundance...
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Alcohol Treatment in the United States: […]aracteristics.” 2023. Accessed August 23, 2023. Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with ...
How do you stop taking an antidepressant? If you’re consideringstopping your antidepressant, talk to a healthcare professional first. They can help you slowly taper off the medication to avoidwithdrawal symptomsand to possibly prevent a relapse. They can also help you safelyswitch to a different...