at the age of 5 I was sexually abused by a woman every night. I never spoke a word to anyone for the simple fact who would believe a five year old. I tried to just push that into the back of my mind and just bury it. Now at the age of 23 I have 2 daughters 5 and 2. My...
As mentioned above, evenparents can be emotionally abusive towards their children. This comes more naturally, and seldom people bat their eye because, unlike a lover or a friend, one’s parent is supposed to be the one in charge of their children’s life towards a certain point. They give...
Complete trust in each other is at the very foundation of a good relationship. But in emotionally manipulative relationships, often the abusive partner is unable to trust their significant other because of low self-esteem. In a case like this, your emotions become an affront to them, which eve...
Signs of narcissistic parenting include grandiosity, self-centeredness, entitlement, and craving for admiration and attention. A narcissistic parent lacks empathy and disregards their children’s needs and concerns, viewing children as mere extensions of the parent. Narc parents exert control and manipula...
"I found real love after leaving an abusive man" Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on this site. Some Cookies are necessary to make this site and our content available to you; these Cookies fire automatically and are not subject to your preference set...
Emotionally abusive people create chaos. An abuser may: Accuse you of cheating Blame you for their actions if they are cheating Blame you for their abusive behavior Use your fears and beliefs to control you or the situation Give you the silent treatment ...
Several factors can contribute to the development of alcohol abuse, including genetics, environment and mental health. People with a family history of alcoholism are more likely to develop the disorder themselves. Those who grew up in chaotic or abusive households may also be at an increased risk...
Some people with signs of abandonment issues are prone to entering and staying in abusive and unhealthy relationships. The person they’re involved with may have drug issues, verbal and physically abusive, and toxic, but even though they are aware of these alarming facts, they would still choose...
(Please note: These aren’t universal ace traits, so don’t worry if you don’t fit into them all. I haven’t even experienced all of these myself. This shouldn’t be looked at like a checklist or “Am I Asexual?” test or anything like that. You can still be asexual even if ...
Was physically, emotionally, or sexually abusive Was completely or mostly absent Treated a father poorly Was extremely overbearing Was unloving or non-nurturing Remember that these are just some of the potential causes of mommy issues. Allmother and childrelationships are complex, and with so many...