Diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, anemia, and skin conditions are all common celiac disease symptoms. Learn more about what to discuss with your healthcare provider.
Metabolic syndrome (also referred to as syndrome X) is a set of abnormalities in which insulin resistance or T2D is almost always present along with hypertension (high blood pressure), high fat levels in the blood (increased serum lipids, predominant elevation of LDL cholesterol, decreased HDL ch...
rapid heartbeat (palpitations),dizziness, orvertigomay also be described as part of the fatigue experienced by the affected individual. The presence of these symptoms may actually help lead a healthcare practitioner to discover the underlying cause(s) of the fatigue. ...
Overweight children and young adults show evidence of macrovascular endothelial dysfunction and increased arterial stiffness6, which is reversible by increasing NO bioavailability and reduction of abdominal visceral fat7. It seems, therefore, that any excess adiposity would result in a higher chance of ...
The excess fluid accumulates in cavities like the abdominal cavity. This bloatingg of the abdomen is known as ascites. Initially the fluid accumulation may not be visible but can be heard with certain movements. Eventually when there is large amounts of fluid the abdomen will appear to be swol...
What Are the Earliest Signs of Pregnancy? Possible Signs and Symptoms of a Twin Pregnancy The Early Warning Signs of Pregnancy 15 Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Breasts Tender Before Missed Period: Early Pregnancy Sign?
Radiologic Signs One of the largest illustrated collections on the web A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Index LearningRadiology's Radiologic Signs A Abdominal Cocoon Sign Absent bow-tie sign Accordion sign Acorn Cyst-Breast Air bronchogram Air ...
Irrigation. Adding a warm saltwater solution to the area around the lungs or abdominal cavity through catheters. Complications during recovery can includepneumonia, irregular heartbeat, ventricular fibrillation (a dangerous "fluttering" rhythm of the heart), cardiac arrest (a sudden stopping of the he...
Painful abdominal swelling (endo belly) What causes endo belly?Experts aren’t sure. Researchers have only recently started to study it. But triggers may include: Hormonal changes Inflammation Food sensitivities Constipation Increased gut sensitivity, particularly during the week or two before your peri...
Signs and symptoms of ARFIDinclude: Severe restriction in types/amount of food eaten Having a narrow range of preferred foods Lack of appetite or interest in food Fear of choking or vomiting Significant weight loss Physical symptoms such as abdominal pain, lethargy, dizziness, etc. ...