The combination of having a British father and a mother who was traumatized by her own emotionally unstable mother – on top of an oppressive fundamentalist religion – led to grooming me as a stoic and “stable” person who was taught that expressing emotions was not only bad butshameful. As...
t mind sitting down for a poopy by himself for 10-15 minutes. If your child isn’t showing these signposts, try to think oflittle tasksthat they can do for themselves like feeding the family fish or dog, or dropping a letter in the mailbox, and see if they like the feeling of ...
The combination of having a British father and a mother who was traumatized by her own emotionally unstable mother – on top of an oppressive fundamentalist religion – led to grooming me as a stoic and “stable” person who was taught that expressing emotions was not only bad butshameful. As...