Having plenty of ideas is great, butliving on a mental hamster wheel? Not so much. “You think the root of your stress is that you spend all of your time in a state of intense focus. But really, most people under stress are re-plowing the same field over and over. They confuse thi...
While everyone else is running around on the hamster wheel of life, you are focused on serving people. You’re dedicated because that excites you. The idea of having a legacy and impact gives your life a sense of meaning, purpose, and direction. You are here to serve. 6. You wake up ...
'You're just a hamster spinning on a wheel': Restaurant owner struggles to stay open 02:39 Is housing a buyer's market or a seller's market? CEO explains why it's neither 02:40 Men are dropping out of the workforce. Here's why 02:55 Is the economy as bad as it ...