Many stroke victims experience paralysis or numbness on one side of the body. Friends or family may notice a slight drooping and loss of muscle tone on one side. Vision Problems If your ability to see is suddenly impaired--in other words, if your vision was fine and then, all of the su...
To identify signs of stroke, remember FAST: Face. Is one side of the person’s face numb or drooping? Is their smile lopsided? Arms. Is one arm weak or numb? If they try to raise both arms, does one arm sag? Speech. Can they speak clearly? Ask them to repeat a sentence. Time....
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a group of different types of heart disease. Common heart disease symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, light-headedness, and dizziness. Heart disease has many causes, including genetics, atherosc
Fever and headache without additional symptoms can arise from various underlying causes. One of the most common causes is viral infections, such as thecommon cold, flu, or mild respiratory viruses. These infections often begin with a fever and headache, which may later develop into more recognizab...
Food Intake.The process of digestion can increase body temperature temporarily as the body uses energy to break down food. After a large meal, people often experience a slight increase in body temperature due to the thermic effect of food. ...
2.9K The thyroid is a gland in the neck which regulates metabolism through hormone production, and it is evaluated and treated using special techniques. Learn about the uses of the TSH test, RAIU test, thyroid scans, and treatments through medication or surgery. Related...
Blurry vision happens when the lenses of your eyes swell due to too much blood sugar. Minor cuts take forever to heal. Critical genes involved in tissue repair are suppressed in those with diabetes, according to a study in Nature Communications. This means even slight wounds can take a long...
Mild: The least intense depression symptoms that typically appear at the beginning stages of depression. They are mild in intensity, only having a slight impact on daily life, but can include a number of symptoms from irritability to low self-esteem. Mild symptoms may seem less concerning, but...
The player later claimed, however, that he had been kicked from the team after asking for a slight extension in arriving at bootcamp for the season in order to spend time with his mother, who had been very suddenly hospitalized following a stroke. According to ninjaboogie, a brief text ...
of the heart wall. These clots may break off and travel to different organs in the body (embolize), blocking blood vessels and causing the affected organs to malfunction because of the loss of blood supply. A common complication is a clot traveling to the brain, resulting in astroke. ...