I hope to shed a little light on what to look out for. Some of these things might not be anything to worry about, but they might also be warning signs of abuse.
Intimate partner violence or domestic abuse may involve physical abuse, controlling behavior, and more. Learn about potential causes of domestic violence.
You may notice a potential sexual predator using manipulative language. They may insult or mock the victim on their behavior, appearance, clothes, friends, or other parts of their personal life. When challenged on this behavior, they may lie and twist the information, making the victim feel as...
Abusers also commonly threaten the families, friends, and children of their victims. Threats are very serious, because they always have the potential to become a reality. 4. Unpredictability When you have an abusive partner, you never know what you're going to get. Are they coming home in ...
have the potential to abuse. Landlords could notice that the elder is late on rental payments and hasn't been in the past. It could be as simple as noticing the elder has a "new best friend" that is always around the elder and seems overprotective of the relationship they have developed...
The first observer of abuse or abusive tendencies is in a position to intervene with the potential abuser before any substantial abuse has taken place. Although we would like to think that abusers are receptive to having these tendencies pointed out, generally they are not. Counseling at this po...
While jealously is a sign of insecurity, your new boyfriend may also be showing early warning signs of a domestic abuser. Some of the warning signs are jealousy, possessiveness, controlling, alcohol or drug abuse, and history of poor relationships. If you are concerned about the possibility that...
Criticism, in its pure form and when done correctly, is a chance of growth. Constructive criticism lets a person strive for their best and work hard so they can truly harness their true ability. However, at times, parents, in their attempt to utilize the true potential of their child, nev...
Physical symptoms can include osteopenia or osteoporosis, anemia, brittle hair and nails, lanugo in severe malnutrition, low blood pressure, and heart rate, potential brain damage, and periods of time without a menstrual cycle (in females), or delay or absence of puberty in both males and ...
of opiates is causing or has the potential to cause in life. An opiate-dependent person will need to continue taking opiates in order to avoidwithdrawal symptoms, sometimes referred to in slang as becoming “dope sick”. Opiate dependence includes a physical, psychological and cognitive dependence...