it’s important to monitor your dog’s behavior. Iintense grief can cause illnesses that unchecked can be fatal. If possible, let your dog see an ill or dying companion, or even a dead body or grave. Dogs who are allowed to see the body of a companion seem to accept the death more...
you explaining to the vet that your dog is limping is probably better described as a symptom than a sign. Your vet’s physical examination of your dog may then yield the sign that your dog’s range of motion is decreased.
muscly dogs who advertise dog protein shakes. And I think there’s some kind of yard equipment that are good for dogs to lift things up. So, essentially dogs, bench-pressing things.
Since the start of the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has defined a suspected case of COVID-19 as a person who meets both clinical (which is fever AND cough; or any three or more of these symptoms: fever, cough, general weakness/fatigue, headache, myalgia, sore throat, c...
What is the meaning of ‘spiritual awakening’? When we undergo a spiritual awakening,we literallywake upfrom the dreamlike reality of ego-centered living. We begin to question our old beliefs, habits, and social conditioning, and see that there is much more to life and ourselves than what ...
The hobo symbols in the photos below were drawn onto a small model of an early-1930s American town.Clockwise from top left (above): kind lady, judge lives here, good place to catch the train, camp here.Clockwise from top-left (above): vicious dog, nothing to be gained, water and ...
We stare longer, our eyes light up, and we even get this puppy dog kind of look. It may seem like her eyes sparkle, and youreye contactbecomes more intense whenever you’re together. They say that our eyes are windows to the soul for a very good reason. When it comes to attraction...
Acts 28:11, “And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux” (KJV). There was no name given for the ship that crashed in the great storm off Malta. ...
"Our dear little old woman is such a capital old woman," Richard would say, coming up to meet me in the garden early, with his pleasant laugh and perhaps the least tinge of a blush, "that I can't get on without her. Before I begin my harum-scarum day—grinding away at those book...
Audits require a voter-verified paper ballot, which the voter inspects to confirm that his or her selections have been correctly and indelibly recorded. Since 2003, an active community of academics, lawyers, election officials and activists has urged states to adopt paper ballots and robust audit...